
Be careful with your money. Do not even spend a penny needlessly.

Those empowered with a healthy sense of frugality are concerned with resources of all types.  Their very ability to stretch resources and conserve is a testament to the respect they have for that which is endowed to them - either through ownership or management.  As frugality brings abundance, those who are able to manage with little reap much - here and in the Olam Haba.


Daily Questions

  1. What were the "seeds" that started to affect your ability to be frugal today?

  2. Think of how you used the resources around you (money, natural, etc..). Did you squander them, or were you excessive in their use?

  3. Is there an area where you struggle with frugality (clothing, technology, trinkets, food, alcohol, etc..)? Do you have a plan to curb your habits?

  4. If you were on the verge of losing your frugality but instead won, what did you employ that worked?

  5. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to help you through the circumstances?


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Amen, I say to you, it is difficult for a rich person to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Moreover, I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of G-d.  —Mashiach Yeshua, Matthew 19:23-24, DHE

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rottenness consume them, and thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in the heavens, where moths and rottenness do not consume them, and thieves do not break in and steal. —Mashiach Yeshua, Matthew 6:19-21, DHE

Ben Zoma said : "Who is wealthy? One who is happy with his lot. —Avot 4:1

The lover of pleasure will be a man who lacks; the lover of wine and oil will not grow rich. Proverbs 21:17

Whoever possesses the following three traits is of the disciples of our forefather Abraham: … a good eye [generosity], a humble spirit [humility], and a modest soul [frugality]. —Avot 5:19

A desirable treasure and oil endures in the abode of the wise, but the fool of a man swallows it up. —Proverbs 21:20

On taking frugality to an extreme, it is said: “In the future world, a man will have to give an accounting for every good thing his eyes saw, but of which he did not eat.” Talmud, Kiddushin 4:12

It is forbidden to cause the oil in a lamp to burn too quickly, thus wasting fuel. Talmud, Shabbat 67b